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Om Cristin

Nils Christian Stenseth

Institutt for naturvitenskapelige fag (Professor) - Universitetet i Agder

Fellestiltak - MN (Professor) - Universitetet i Oslo



Universitetet i Agder


Universitetet i Oslo




My research interests span a broad spectrum of ecological and evolutionary topics, most of which are rooted in population biology. Before the early 1990s, much of my work was purely theoretical. Later, I have adopted the research strategy of 'asking' available data what the underlying ecological or evolutionary process might most likely be - all within a theoretical perspective. I strongly favour comparative studies - by comparing similar features between different (but comparable) systems, we typically learn more than we otherwise would have done. Variations in population densities in time and space - and the underlying demographic processes - have been a main interest of mine over the years. An important example is the interdependent relation between density-dependent and density-independent processes, where the ecological effect of climate is an important example of the latter. Most of my work relates to basic issues. (I have never claimed that my research is of any immediate use, although I do hope it will be in the long run.) However, I find great pleasure in working on more applied issues as well; I have never been ashamed of my research being of practical use here and now. These applied interests have brought me into work on pest control (e.g., rodents in Africa), harvesting (marine and terrestrial), bio-economics (e.g., the ecological dynamics of dry-land pastoral systems) and epidemiology (Plague). I do believe that it is helpful to try to understand what has happened in the past, in preparing for what might happen in the future, e.g., ecological and evolutionary effects of climate change. For this reason, I value the existence of long-term time series - and the analysis of them. I love interacting with colleagues, and find great pleasure in building and maintaining teams. I am an ISI highly cited researcher, and had the January 2004 'hot paper' in ISI's Essential Science Indicators. I am an elected member/fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Science and the Letters, DNVA, the Royal Norwegian Society of Science and Letters, DKNVS, Academia Europaea, French Académie des Sciences and the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters. I also do quite a bit of editorial work, including as Associated Editor of Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B and as Editor-in-Chief of Climate Research..






Fishing-induced eco-evolutionary changes in coastal environments: Atlantic cod as a case study (CODCHANGE)

PIEF-GA-2009-236549 Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of juvenescent marine populations - EVOLHAKE

EUR-OCEANS Flagship - Developing seasonal and spatial foodweb models through novel statistical modelling - tools for constructing scenarios under future global change (EcoScenarios)

Comparison of Marine Ecosystems of Norway and the US (MENU II) NFR 190286/S40

PIEF-GA-2009-255326 Timing of bird migration under climate change: phenotype plasticity, microevolutionary response or both? - BirdClimChange

Applying a new demographic framework to understand and project consequences of climate change in size- and age-structured populations

Climate Change Effects on Marine Ecosystems and Resource Economics - TFI NCoE Programme

Høsting av elg og hjort : en bioøkonomisk tilnærming

Nettverksamarbeid i forbindelse med utarbeidelse av søknader rundt tema: klima-planter-beitedyr

Comparative Infection Biology (COMPI)

PIEF-GA-2010-273986 Climate-induced phenological change and its consequences for bird populations (Bird Populations)

ECOVAR: Managing ecosystems in an increasingly variable world

Adaptation or plasticity as response to large scale translocations and harvesting over a climatic gradient in the marine ecosystem?

ADMAR Adaptive management of living marine resources by integrating different data sources and key ecological processes NFR 200497/I30

PIEF-GA-2009-252252 Evolutionary response of two African Rodent species (Hystrix sp) to climate changes: the study of the past as an estimate of the future - REHYSTRIX

PIEF-GA-2008-220947 Spatial Heterogeneity of Resources: a mediator of large herbivore population stability?

Centre for Coastal Research

SCAMPI: Seasonal to decadal Changes Affecting Marine Productivity:

Using the past (& present) to predict the effects of changing food environment and temperature on Northeast Arctic cod in the Barents Sea.

PIEF-GA-2009-235962 EVOLBIRD - Demographic strategies under climate variation: a study on Arctic and Antarctic seabirds

Bruk av kontinuerlige romlige fordelinger i analysen av romlig dynamikk og ressursbruk

PIEF-GA-2010-274356 - Sosial complexity in Resource Management (SoCoRm)

SYMBIOSES - Constructing an integrated modelling framework for decision support in ecosystem-based management: case study Lofoten/Barents Sea - NFR 208300/E30

Bruk av kontinuerlige romlige fordelinger i analysen av romlig dynamikk og ressursbruk

Strengthening the Adaptive Capacity of Institutions in Fisheries

A design document for Decision Support Tool (DTS) for Impact Analysis

Arctic and sub-Arctic climate system and ecological response to the early 20th century warming

Bird Migration and Climate Change

Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES)

Climate Change Impacts on Pollination Services

Darwin 2009: I kjølvannet av ideen som forandret verden ("The Darwin Expedition")

Declining long-term trends in Atlantic salmon abundance: inferring mechanisms using catch data for Norway and Scotland

DEECON ­ Unravelling population connectivity for sustainable fisheries in the Deep Sea

DEECON – Unravelling population connectivity for sustainable fisheries in the Deep Sea

Demographics strategies under climate variation: a study on Arctic and Antarctic seabirds - PIEF-GA-2009-235962 EVOLBIRD

Dynamics and genetics of oceanic - coastal cod population complexes

Economically and ecologically sustainable fisheries management: optimising fish harvest while conserving seabird diversity - MADIMA

Effects of oil on pelagic ecosystems

Evolutionary and ecological effects of climate change for passerine birds

Factors of Population Extinction Risk, FRISC

Fisheries-induced Evolution

Fishery-induced changes in vital components of a large pike (Esox Lucius) population

Functional genomics of phenotypic plasticity of cod: a national consortium

Linking physics and biology – Structuring of cod-populations in the North Sea/Skagerrak water-system

Long-term Effects of Oil accidents on the pelagic ecosystem of the Norwegian and Barents Seas

Marine phylogeographic structuring during climate change: the signature of leading and rear edge of range shifting populations

Match-mismatching of trophic levels as a structuring force of ecosystems

MENU II: Comparison of Marine Ecosystems of Norway and the US.

Modelling ecosystems under climate change: Windermere as a model lake system

Molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in autosomal and X-linked genes by the Y chromosome in Drosophila

Norwegian-Russian Cooperation on estimating the cost structure of the Northeast Arctic cod fishery in the Barents Sea

Oceanography and Match-mismatch

PITRO III Ecological modelling, intedisciplinary methdology and climatic variation in Africa.

Plankton Dynamics and Global Change: the North Sea Regime Shift - 41190

Processes in the life history and dynamics of managed ungulate populations

Regime shifts in the Black Sea, a population dynamics ade wavelet approach

Researchers’ Night Darwinekspedisjonen 2009

Response of trophic relationships to climate change in Sub-Arctic Seas

Socio-economic effects of fisheries-induced evolution

Spatial Heterogeneity of Resources: a mediator of large herbivore population stability? - PIEF-GA-2008-220947

Spatiotemporal dynamics of introduced bark beetles

The Darwin Anniversary 2009

The genetic architecture of reproductive isolation

The possible role of zooplankton in modulating ecosystem effects of acute oil spills in the Norwegian and Barents Seas

The Seeds of Adaptation in the face of climate change. Assessing gene flow in maize at the local and global scale.