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1 Berg, Jon Andre; Sævik, Bente Kristin; Lingaas, Frode; Trangerud, Cathrine.
Lumbosacral transitional vertebra in 14 dog breeds in Norway: Occurrence, risk factors and association with hip dysplasia. The Veterinary Journal 2023 ;Volum 303.
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2 Brimsholm, Malin Helen; Fjelldal, Per Gunnar; Hansen, Tom Johnny; Trangerud, Cathrine; Knutsen, Geir Magne; Asserson, Charlotte Finstad; Koppang, Erling Olaf; Bjørgen, Håvard.
Anatomical and pathological characteristics of ribs in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and its relevance to soft tissue changes. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series C 2023 ;Volum 52.(3) s. 421-436
3 Bæverfjord, Grete; Dalum, Alf Seljenes; Høst, Vibeke; Krasnov, Aleksei; Grøntvedt, Randi; Johansen, Renate; Reed, Anne-Katrine; Aas-Eng, Anne; Kvellestad, Agnar; Bjørgen, Håvard; Trangerud, Cathrine; Ottesen, Nina; Skogmo, Hege Klippenes; Koppang, Erling Olav; Ytteborg, Elisabeth.
Forebygging av korsstingsvirvler hos laks i oppdrett. Tromsø: Nofima AS 2021 (ISBN 978-82-8296-698-6) 38 s. Nofima rapportserie(35/2021)
4 Hultman, Josefin; Rosati, Marco; Grøn, Tone Kristensen; Matiasek, Kaspar; Trangerud, Cathrine; Jäderlund, Karin Hultin.
Granulomatous interstitial polymyositis and intramuscular neuritis in a dog. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (AVS) 2021 ;Volum 63.
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5 Johanson, Silje Modahl; Ropstad, Erik; Østby, Gunn Charlotte; Aleksandersen, Mona; Zamaratskaia, Galia; Boge, Gudrun Seeberg; Halsne, Ruth; Trangerud, Cathrine; Lyche, Jan Ludvig; Berntsen, Hanne Friis; Zimmer, Karin Elisabeth; Verhaegen, Steven.
Perinatal exposure to a human relevant mixture of persistent organic pollutants: Effects on mammary gland development, ovarian folliculogenesis and liver in CD-1 mice. PLOS ONE 2021 ;Volum 16.(6)
6 Sævik, Bente Kristin; Trangerud, Cathrine.
Hva er diagnosen, En katt med intermitterende bakbeinshalthet. Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 2021
7 Sævik, Bente Kristin; Trangerud, Cathrine.
Hva er diagnosen? En katt med intermitterende bakbeinshalthet. Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 2021
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8 Rørvik, Arne Magnus; Trangerud, Cathrine; Grøndalen, Jorunn.
Medial humeral epicondylar lesions and discreet calcified structures in the canine elbow: radiographic description of 183 cases. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (AVS) 2020 ;Volum 62.(1) s. -
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9 Trangerud, Cathrine; Bjørgen, Håvard; Koppang, Erling Olaf; Grøntvedt, Randi; Skogmo, Hege Kippenes; Ottesen, Nina; Kvellestad, Agnar.
Vertebral column deformity with curved cross-stitch vertebrae in Norwegian seawater-farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.. Journal of Fish Diseases 2020 ;Volum 43.(3) s. 379-389
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10 Anfinsen, Kristin Paaske; Grotmol, Tom; Bruland, Øyvind; Trangerud, Cathrine; Jonasdottir, Thora Johanna.
Corrigendum to "Primary bone cancer in Leonbergers may be associated with a higher bodyweight during adolescence" [Prev. Vet. Med. 119 (2015) 48-53]. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2015 ;Volum 120.(2) s. 252-
11 Krontveit, Randi; Nødtvedt, Ane; Sævik, Bente Kristin; Ropstad, Erik; Trangerud, Cathrine.
Housing- and exercise-related risk factors associated with the development of hip dysplasia as determined by radiographic evaluation in a prospective cohort of Newfoundlands, Labrador Retrievers, Leonbergers, and Irish Wolfhounds in Norway. American Journal of Veterinary Research 2012 ;Volum 73.(6) s. 838-846
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12 Krontveit, Randi; Trangerud, Cathrine; Nødtvedt, Ane; Dohoo, Ian; Moe, Lars; Sævik, Bente Kristin.
The effect of radiological hip dysplasia and breed on survival in a prospective cohort study of four large dog breeds followed over a 10 year period. The Veterinary Journal 2012 ;Volum 193.(1) s. 206-211
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13 Krontveit, Randi; Trangerud, Cathrine; Sævik, Bente Kristin; Skogmo, Hege Kippenes; Nødtvedt, Ane.
Risk factors for hip-related clinical signs in a prospective cohort study of four large dog breeds in Norway. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2012 ;Volum 103.(2-3) s. 219-227
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14 Sævik, Bente Kristin; Skancke, Ellen; Trangerud, Cathrine.
A longitudinal study on diarrhoea and vomiting in young dogs of four large breeds. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (AVS) 2012 ;Volum 54. s. -
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15 Sævik, Bente Kristin; Trangerud, Cathrine; Ottesen, Nina; Sørum, Henning; Eggertsdottir, Anna.
Causes of lower urinary tract disease in Norwegian cats. Journal of feline medicine and surgery 2011 ;Volum 13.(6) s. 410-417
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16 Krontveit, Randi; Nødtvedt, Ane; Sævik, Bente Kristin; Ropstad, Erik; Skogmo, Hege K.; Trangerud, Cathrine.
A prospective study on Canine Hip Dysplasia and growth in a cohort of four large breeds in Norway (1998-2001). Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2010 ;Volum 97.(3-4) s. 252-263
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17 Trangerud, Cathrine; Grøndalen, Jorunn; Ytrehus, Bjørnar.
Bone Dysplasia in the Radial and Ulnar Metaphysis of a Newfoundland Dog. Veterinary pathology 2008 ;Volum 45.(2) s. 197-200
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18 Trangerud, Cathrine.
Growth patterns and metaphyseal irregularities in dogs: a study of 4 large breeds with emphasis on irregularities in the distal metaphysis of the radius and ulna in Newfoundland dogs. Oslo: Norges veterinærhøgskole. Norwegian School of Veterinary Science 2008 (ISBN 978-82-7725-152-3) 52 s.
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19 Indrebø, Astrid; Trangerud, Cathrine; Moe, Lars.
Canine neonatal mortality in four large breeds. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (AVS) 2007 ;Volum 49.(suppl 1)
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20 Trangerud, Cathrine; Grøndalen, Jorunn; Indrebø, Astrid; Tverdal, Aage; Ropstad, Erik; Moe, Lars.
A longitudinal study on growth and growth variables in dogs of four large breeds raised in domestic environments. Journal of Animal Science 2007 ;Volum 85. s. 76-83
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21 Trangerud, Cathrine; Meuwissen, Theo; Ropstad, Erik; Indrebø, Astrid; Grøndalen, Jorunn; Moe, Lars.
Risk factors affecting metaphyseal irregularities in the radius and ulna of growing Newfoundland dogs. Journal of Animal Science 2007 ;Volum 85. s. 2437-2444
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22 Trangerud, Cathrine; Sande, Ronald D.; Rørvik, Arne Magnus; Indrebø, Astrid; Grøndalen, Jorunn.
A new type of radiographic bone remodeling in the distal radial and ulnar metaphysis in 54 newfoundland dogs. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 2005 ;Volum 46.(2) s. 108-113
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23 Grøndalen, Jorunn; Trangerud, Cathrine; Indrebø, Astrid; Moe, Lars.
Skjelettprosjektet fortsetter. Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 2004 ;Volum 116.(7) s. 544-545
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24 Krontveit, Randi; Indrebø, Astrid; Grøndalen, Jorunn; Thoresen, Stein Istre; Trangerud, Cathrine.
Serum alkaline phosphatase in growing large breed dogs. 13th Congress of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine; 2003-09-04 - 2003-09-06
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25 Trangerud, Cathrine; Indrebø, Astrid; Grøndalen, Jorunn.
Occurrence and Clinical significance of a "new type" of metaphyseal irregularities in the radius and ulna in 54 growing Newfoundland dogs. 28th Congress - World Small Animal Veterinary Association; 2003-10-24 - 2003-10-27
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26 Trangerud, Cathrine; Indrebø, Astrid; Grøndalen, Jorunn.
Weight gain in four breeds in relation to alkaline phosphatase during growth. 13th congress of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine; 2003-09-04 - 2003-09-06
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27 Trangerud, Cathrine; Sande, Ronald D.; Rørvik, Arne Magnus; Grøndalen, Jorunn.
Radiographic abnormalities in bone remodelling in the metaphysis of the distal radius and ulna in Newfoundland dogs. Voorjaarsdagen 2003; 2003-04-25 - 2003-04-27
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28 Grøndalen, Jorunn; Trangerud, Cathrine; Ellingsen, Line; Indrebø, Astrid; Moe, Lars.
Rapport fra prosjektet Fôring, veksthastighet og skjelettsykdom. Enkelte forløpige resultater, desember 2001. Hundesport 2002 ;Volum 103.(1) s. 22-25
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29 Trangerud, Cathrine; Grøndalen, Jorunn; Indrebø, Astrid; Moe, Lars.
Enostose hos fire hurtigvoksende hunderaser. Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2002; 2002-02-13 - 2002-02-14
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30 Trangerud, Cathrine; Grøndalen, Jorunn; Indrebø, Astrid; Moe, Lars.
Skjelettsykdommer hos hurtigvoksende hunder i relasjon til fôring, veksthastighet, miljø- og genetiske faktorer. Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2002; 2002-02-13 - 2002-02-14
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31 Grøndalen, Jorunn; Trangerud, Cathrine; Indrebø, Astrid; Moe, Lars.
Skjelettsykdommer hos hurtigvoksende hunder i relasjon til fôring, veksthastighet, miljø- og genetiske faktorer. Norges forskningsråd seminar; 2001-11-05 - 2001-11-07
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