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1 Letrud, Kåre.
Incorrigible science and doctrinal pseudoscience. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2023
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2 Letrud, Kåre.
Klassifisering på kammerset. Forskerforum 2023
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3 Letrud, Kåre.
Can scientific revolutions be incentivised?. Metascience 2022
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4 Letrud, Kåre.
Do we agree on the essentials? Surveying philosophers’ paradigms of pseudoscience. BSPS 2022 Annual Conference; 2022-07-06 - 2022-07-08
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5 Letrud, Kåre.
Do we Know it When we See it? A Review of 'Pseudoscience' Patterns of Usage. Episteme: A journal of individual and social epistemology 2022 ;Volum 20.(2) s. 479-496
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6 Letrud, Kåre.
Hvis du leger med ild, så tisser du i sengen: en Google Trends-søgning. Ugeskrift for Læger 2022
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7 Letrud, Kåre.
Pseudo-Platon: Leptodermos. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 2022 ;Volum 106.(1) s. 79-85
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8 Letrud, Kåre.
Drawing the line of demarcation: A review of pseudoscience case classifications. Congrès 2021 de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences; 2021-09-08 - 2021-09-10
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9 Letrud, Kåre.
Vitenskapelige myter (og hvor de er å finne). Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie 2021
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10 Letrud, Kåre.
Acquiesced and unrefuted: The growth of scientific myths. Universitetet i Bergen 2020 (ISBN 9788230867402) 150 s.
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11 Letrud, Kåre; Wagner, Sophia.
Mythen der Wissenschaft: Der Hawthorne-Effekt wird oft falsch zitiert. Deutschlandfunk/Forschung Aktuell [Radio] 2020-02-10
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12 Letrud, Kåre; Wilkinson, David.
Scientific Myths Endure, Even In The Minds Of Some Scientists. [Internett] 2020-08-18
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13 Letrud, Kåre.
Debunk or bust! Sometimes the debunking of scientific myth backfires, and contributes to the continued spreading of the myth instead.. Nature Human Behaviour 2019
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14 Letrud, Kåre.
The Gordian Knot of Demarcation: Tying Up Some Loose Ends. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2019 ;Volum 32.(1) s. 3-11
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15 Letrud, Kåre; Brock, Jon.
Careless citations don't just spread scientific myths – they can make them stronger. [Internett] 2019-10-21
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16 Letrud, Kåre; Hernes, Sigbjørn.
Affirmative citation bias in scientific myth debunking: A three-in-one case study. PLOS ONE 2019 ;Volum 14.(9) s. 1-8
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17 Moe, Erlend; Letrud, Kåre; Hernes, Sigbjørn.
Vil ta livet av myter og tvilsomme teorier i forskningen. [Internett] 2019-10-02
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18 Letrud, Kåre; Hernes, Sigbjørn.
Affirmative citation distortion in scientific myth debunking: a three-in-one case study. Perspectives on Scientific Error; 2018-10-29 - 2018-10-30
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19 Letrud, Kåre; Hernes, Sigbjørn.
Excavating the origins of the learning pyramid myths. Cogent Education 2018 ;Volum 5.(1) s. 1-17
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20 Skaare, Sigrun Dancke; Hernes, Sigbjørn; Letrud, Kåre.
Læringspyramiden: en utbredt og seiglivet vitenskapelig myte. [Internett] 2018-09-30
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21 Letrud, Kåre; Hernes, Sigbjørn.
The diffusion of the learning pyramid myths in academia: an exploratory study. Journal of Curriculum Studies 2016 ;Volum 48.(3) s. 291-302
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22 Grønli, Kristin Straumsheim; Letrud, Kåre.
Hviskeleken: Det du tror du vet kan være en akademisk vandrehistorie. Forskerforum [Tidsskrift] 2015-09-01
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23 Letrud, Kåre.
A rebuttal of NTL institute's learning pyramid. Education 2012 ;Volum 133.(1) s. 117-124
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24 Hernes, Sigbjørn; Letrud, Kåre.
Læringspyramiden : en undersøkelse av opphav, utbredelse og gyldighet. UNIPED 2009 ;Volum 32.(2) s. 30-43
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25 Skaare, Sigrun Dancke; Hernes, Sigbjørn; Letrud, Kåre.
Vil forkaste læringspyramiden. 2009
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26 Letrud, Kåre.
Det arkaiske individ. Arr - Idéhistorisk tidsskrift 2003 ;Volum 15.(2) s. 86-90
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27 Letrud, Kåre.
Peri Gnômês. : 1999
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28 Letrud, Kåre.
Den sokratiske erobringskunst. Parabel : Tidsskrift for filosofi og vitenskapsteori 1997 ;Volum 1.(1) s. 81-84
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