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1 Hemstad, Ruth.
An Inspiring Model from the Periphery. The Transnational Circulation of the Norwegian 1814 Constitution. I: Literary Citizenship in Scandinavia in the Long Eighteenth Century. Boydell & Brewer 2023 ISBN 9781783277797. s. 201-219
UiO NB Untitled
2 Hemstad, Ruth.
Den dansk-norske skilsmisse i 1814. 2023
NB UiO Untitled
3 Hemstad, Ruth.
Den dansk-norske skilsmisse 1814. Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2023 (ISBN 978 87 7597 073 5) 100 s.
NB UiO Untitled
4 Hemstad, Ruth.
Den svære dansk-norske skilsmisse i 1814. "Politiken". København. 2023
NB UiO Untitled
5 Hemstad, Ruth.
’Et større Norge’. Nordmands-Forbundet i nordisk og internasjonalt perspektiv. Blikk på Norge og Amerika – smakebiter fra Nasjonalbibliotekets samlinger; 2023-05-09 - 2023-05-09
NB UiO Untitled
6 Hemstad, Ruth.
Fra skilsmisse til skandinavisk forsoning. Avisen Danmark 2023 s. -
NB UiO Untitled
7 Hemstad, Ruth.
Fra union og krig til skandinavisme og samarbeid, 1319-1919. Från Kalmarunionen till Nato – möjligheter för Norden; 2023-02-13 - 2023-02-13
NB UiO Untitled
8 Hemstad, Ruth.
Introduction of Book panel: Nordic Experiences in Pan-nationalisms: A Reappraisal and Comparison, 1840−1940. The 6th Nordic Challenges Conference, Nordic Challenges and Identities: Pasts, Presents, Futures; 2023-05-25 - 2023-05-25
NB UiO Untitled
9 Hemstad, Ruth.
Organised into existence. Scandinavianism and pan-Scandinavian associations within and beyond the region. I: Nordic Experiences in Pan-nationalisms: A Reappraisal and Comparison, 1840-1940. Routledge 2023 ISBN 9781032444444. s. 158-179
UiO NB Untitled
10 Hemstad, Ruth.
Scandinavianism and the Rhetoric of Scandinavianness in the Nineteenth Century. Norwegian Research School in History, Professional Skills Workshop: Digital History.; 2023-03-08 - 2023-03-08
NB UiO Untitled
11 Hemstad, Ruth; Kaasa, Janicke S.; Krefting, Ellen Marie; Nøding, Aina.
Introduction. I: Literary Citizenship in Scandinavia in the Long Eighteenth Century. Boydell & Brewer 2023 ISBN 9781783277797. s. 1-19
NB UiO Untitled
12 Hemstad, Ruth; Stadius, Peter.
Introduction: Scandinavianism and Nordism in a Europe of Pan-national Movements. I: Nordic Experiences in Pan-nationalisms: A Reappraisal and Comparison, 1840-1940. Routledge 2023 ISBN 9781032444444. s. 1-18
NB UiO Untitled
13 Hemstad, Ruth; Stadius, Peter.
Nordic Experiences in Pan-nationalisms: A Reappraisal and Comparison, 1840-1940. Routledge 2023 (ISBN 9781032444444) 288 s. Nordic Studies in a Global Context(3)
NB UiO Untitled
14 Hemstad, Ruth; Kaasa, Janicke Stensvaag; Krefting, Ellen Marie; Nøding, Aina.
Literary Citizenship in Scandinavia in the Long Eighteenth Century. Boydell & Brewer 2023 (ISBN 9781783277797) ;Volum 1.330 s. Knowledge and Communication in the Enlightenment World(1)
UiO NB Untitled
15 Hemstad, Ruth.
Hverken union eller undergang. Nordisk Tidskrift för vetenskap, konst och industri 2022 (3)
NB UiO Untitled
16 Hemstad, Ruth.
Skandinavismen og konstruksjonen av Norden. Minervanett 2022 (1) s. 43-47
NB UiO Untitled
17 Hemstad, Ruth.
Tim van Gerven: Scandinavism. Overlapping and Competing Identities in the Nordic World, 1770–1919. Scandia: Tidsskrift för historisk forskning 2022 ;Volum 89.(2)
NB UiO Untitled
18 Hemstad, Ruth Solveig.
Literature as Auxiliary Forces: Scandinavianism, Pan-Scandinavian Associations and Transnational Dissemination of Literature. I: Culture and Conflict. Nation-Building in Denmark and Scandinavia, 1800-1930. Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2022 ISBN 9788772194349. s. 229-243
NB UiO Untitled
19 Hemstad, Ruth Solveig.
Promoting Norden and Nordic Cooperation in the 1930’s: Social Democratic Visions and Transmedial Manifestations. I: Nordic Media Histories of Propaganda and Persuasion. Palgrave Macmillan 2022 ISBN 978-3-031-05171-5. s. 31-54
NB UiO Untitled
20 Hemstad, Ruth Solveig.
Scandinavian Sympathies and Nordic Unity: The Rhetoric of Scandinavianness in the Nineteenth Century. I: Contesting Nordicness. From Scandinavianism to the Nordic Brand. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2022 ISBN 9783110735017. s. 35-57
NB UiO Untitled
21 Hemstad, Ruth.
Nordic associations within and beyond the Nordic region: Transnational cooperation, pan-national ideas and civil society in the 19th century. ESSCH (European Social Science History Conference) 2021; 2021-03-26 - 2021-03-26
UiO Untitled
22 Hemstad, Ruth.
Skandinavisme og skandinaviske sympatier. Konstruksjonen av Norden; 2021-05-06 - 2021-05-06
NB UiO Untitled
23 Hemstad, Ruth.
Slaget på Stortorvet. Nasjonalbiblioteket Gamle Greier (podcast) [Internett] 2021-05-06
NB UiO Untitled
24 Hemstad, Ruth Solveig.
Drømmen om Norden. Ekko, NRK P2 [Radio] 2021-11-01
UiO Untitled
25 Hemstad, Ruth Solveig.
’En skandinavisk Nationalitet’ som litterært prosjekt: 1840-årenes transnasjonale offentlighet i Norden. I: Nation som kvalitet. Smak, offentligheter och folk i 1800-talets Norden. Alvheim og Eide akademisk forlag 2021 ISBN 978-82-93690-08-5. s. 311-332
NB UiO Untitled
26 Hemstad, Ruth Solveig.
Et større Skandinavia: Skandinaviske foreninger i og utenfor Norden i det lange 1800-tallet. Norske historiedager; 2021-09-03 - 2021-09-03
UiO Untitled
27 Hemstad, Ruth Solveig.
Organizational Scandinavianism Abroad: Literature, Sociability, and Pan-Scandinavian Associational Life in German-speaking Europe 1842–1912. Berliner Beiträge zur Skandinavistik 2021 ;Volum 31. s. 281-305
NB UiO Untitled
28 Hemstad, Ruth Solveig.
Skandinaviske diasporaforeninger og sammenbruddet etter 1905. Det tredje nordiske netværksseminar; 2021-12-07 - 2021-12-07
UiO Untitled
29 Hemstad, Ruth.
Fra storebror til utestengt. Aftenposten [Avis] 2020-06-26
UiO NB Untitled
30 Hemstad, Ruth.
Hvorfor lyktes det ikke å samle Norden/Skandinavia?. Norden mellem Napoleon, Bismarck, NATO og EU; 2020-01-27 - 2020-01-27
UiO NB Untitled
31 Hemstad, Ruth.
“Nordiske Riger” og “Skandinaviske Symphatier”. Begrepsendring og adjektivhistorie belyst gjennom digital fjern- og nærlesing. Course in Theory and Methods; 2020-03-06 - 2020-03-06
UiO NB Untitled
32 Hemstad, Ruth.
Norwegian professors weigh in: Why do we say “Scandinavia” and the “Nordics”?. Norway Today [Avis] 2020-10-29
UiO Untitled
33 Hemstad, Ruth.
"Sverige balancerer på kanten af det nordiske fællesskab". Kristeligt Dagblad [Avis] 2020-07-01
NB UiO Untitled
34 Hemstad, Ruth; Carbone, Elettra.
Foreword. Scandinavica - An International Journal of Scandinavian Studies 2020 ;Volum 54.(2) s. 5-10
NB UiO Untitled
35 Bjørkøy, Aasta Marie Bjorvand; Hemstad, Ruth Solveig; Nøding, Aina; Rønning, Anne Birgitte.
Litterære verdensborgere: Transnasjonale perspektiver på norsk bokhistorie 1519–1850. : Nasjonalbiblioteket 2019 (ISBN 978-82-7965-414-8) Nota Bene(13)
NB UiO Untitled
36 Bjørkøy, Aasta Marie Bjorvand; Hemstad, Ruth Solveig; Nøding, Aina; Rønning, Anne Birgitte.
Transnasjonale perspektiver på norsk bokhistorie 1519-1850. I: Litterære verdensborgere: Transnasjonale perspektiver på norsk bokhistorie 1519–1850. : Nasjonalbiblioteket 2019 ISBN 978-82-7965-414-8. s. 10-27
NB UiO Untitled
37 Hemstad, Ruth.
Frie ord i Norden?. Forskartorget, Bokmässan i Göteborg; 2019-09-29 - 2019-09-29
UiO Untitled
38 Hemstad, Ruth.
I ‘Tidens Fylde’. Panskandinaviske publisister og transnasjonale tidsskrifter. I: Litterære verdensborgere: Transnasjonale perspektiver på norsk bokhistorie 1519–1850. : Nasjonalbiblioteket 2019 ISBN 978-82-7965-414-8. s. 377-404
NB UiO Untitled
39 Hemstad, Ruth.
Kampen om Norden. Apollon [Fagblad] 2019-05-23
UiO Untitled
40 Hemstad, Ruth.
Litteratur og skandinavisk nasjonalitet. Skandinaviske foreninger, litterære forbindelser og utveksling over landegrensene. Nation som kvalitet: 1800-talets litterära offentligheter och folk i Norden; 2019-11-25 - 2019-11-26
UiO Untitled
41 Hemstad, Ruth.
Ludvig Kristensen Daa og den panskandinaviske bevegelsen. Norske historiedager 2019; 2019-06-14 - 2019-06-16
UiO Untitled
42 Hemstad, Ruth.
Negotiating Scandinavian identity: Scandinavianism and the transnational dissemination of literature. Politics of books: Negotiating identity, print, and the public sphere.; 2019-04-29 - 2019-04-30
UiO Untitled
43 Hemstad, Ruth.
Nordens fælles, frie svaneflugt fylder 100 år. Kristeligt Dagblad [Avis] 2019-04-13
UiO Untitled
44 Hemstad, Ruth.
Nordic associations within and beyond the Nordic region: Transnational cooperation, pan-national ideas and civil society in the 19th century. Civic Norden: Civil Society in the Nordic region and beyond since 1800; 2019-06-19 - 2019-06-20
UiO Untitled
45 Hemstad, Ruth.
Nordic Cooperation and Civil Society: 19th C. Experiences in a European Context. 3rd. Nordic Challenges Conference; 2019-03-06 - 2019-03-08
UiO Untitled
46 Hemstad, Ruth.
Scandinavianism, transnational dissemination of literature and the role of Scandinavian associations - a German-Scandinavian perspective. 'Mit dem Buch in der Hand'. Eine Henrik-Steffens-Veranstaltung zum Norwegischen Buchjahr 2019 und zur Prinzessinnenbibliothek; 2019-11-27 - 2019-11-29
UiO Untitled
47 Hemstad, Ruth.
Skandinavisk enhet gjennom nordiske foreninger. Transnasjonalt sivilsamfunn i og utenfor Norden. Indenfor og udenfor: grænsedragninger i 1800-tallets Norden; 2019-06-03 - 2019-06-04
UiO Untitled
48 Hemstad, Ruth.
Studio 2: Intervju om foreningene Norden. NRK P2 [Radio] 2019-03-26
UiO Untitled
49 Hemstad, Ruth.
The Congress of Vienna and the Scandinavian Press. I: Der Wiener Kongress 1814/1815. Vol I: Internationale Politik. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2019 ISBN 978-3-7001-8182-8. s. 87-94
NB Untitled
50 Hemstad, Ruth.
The United Kingdoms of Norway and Sweden and the United Kingdom ofthe Netherlands 1814-1830: Comparative perspectives on politics of amalgamation and nation building. Scandinavica - An International Journal of Scandinavian Studies 2019 ;Volum 58.(2) s. 76-97
NB UiO Untitled
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