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Etternavn: kutzsche   Fornavn: stefan   Alle publ. kanaler

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1 Kutzsche, Stefan; Teslo, Irene.
Developing strategies for the integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness in India. Vårmøte Norsk Barnelegeforening 2005; 2005-06-02 - 2005-06-04
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2 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Solås, Anne Beate; Nilsen, Harald; Saugstad, Ola Didrik.
Adenosine contributes to cerebral vasodilation during hypoxia. Pediatr Res 2000; 49 - ESPR 41st Annual Meeting; 2000-08-01
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3 Teslo, Irene; Kutzsche, Stefan.
Omsorg for mor og barn i India. Vårmøte Norsk Barnelegeforening; 2005-06-02 - 2005-06-04
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4 Aasen, Ansgar Oddne; Bakka, Arne; Ruud, Tom Erik; Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Stubberud, Vivi Bull; Østby, Erik.
Kurs i stapling teknikk og ultralyd disseksjon. Oslo, Rikshospitalet, Institutt for Kirurgik Forskning [Radio] 2002-01-16
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5 Aasen, Ansgar Oddne; Fosse, Erik; Fjeld, Nils B.; Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Stubberud, Vivi Bull; Østby, Erik.
Kurs i Thoraskopi. Kirurgisk Forskningsinstitutt, Rikshospitalet, Oslo [Radio] 2001-05-11
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6 Aasen, Ansgar Oddne; Hafsahl, Geir; Kolbenstvedt, Alf; Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Lone, Inger-Lise; Stubberud, Vivi Bull; Skuggevik, Anna.
Kurs i Perkutane Endovaskulære Teknikker. Institutt for Kirurgisk Forskning, Rikshospitalet, Oslo [Radio] 2001-10-12
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7 Aasen, Ansgar Oddne; Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Stubberud, Vivi Bull; Blessin, Sascha.
Workshop on New Laparoscopic Instruments. Oslo, Rikshospitalet, Institutt for Kirurgisk Forskning : Gynecare Versalap [Radio] 2002-05-28
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8 Chia, C F; Nadarajah, V D; Lim, V; Kutzsche, Stefan.
Transfer of knowledge, skills and confidence from a faculty development programme for health professions educators into practice. Medical Teacher 2020 s. 1-7
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9 Fugelseth, Drude; Kutzsche, Stefan.
Ensuring safe neonatal care for newborn babies. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2013 ;Volum 133.(3) s. 270-271
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10 Haukland, Linda; Kutzsche, Stefan; Hynås, Inger Anette; Stiris, Tom.
Neonatal seizures with reversible EEG changes after antenatal venlafaxine exposure. Acta Paediatrica 2013 ;Volum 102.(11) s. E524-E526
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11 Janvier, Annie; Lantos, John; Aschner, Judy; Barrington, Keith; Batton, Beau; Batton, Daniel; Berg, Siri Fuglem; Carter, Brian; Campbell, Deborah; Cohn, Felicia; Lyerly, Anne Drapkin; Ellsbury, Dan; Fanaroff, Avroy; Fanaroff, Jonathan; Fanaroff, Kristy; Gravel, Sophie; Haward, Marlyse; Kutzsche, Stefan; Marlow, Neil; Montello, Martha; Maitre, Nathalie; Morris, Joshua T.; Paulsen, Odd Gunnar; Prentice, Trisha; Spitzer, Alan R..
Stronger and more vulnerable: A balanced view of the impacts of the NICU experience on parents. Pediatrics 2016 ;Volum 138:e20160655.(3)
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12 Kirkeby, Ole J.; Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Rise, Ingunn.
Intracerebral nitric oxide concentration during high intracranial pressure. Continuous measurement of nitric oxide concentration in the brain tissue with a nitric oxide sensor. The 49th annual meeting of the Scandinavian Neurosurgical Society.; 1997-06-01
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13 Kirkeby, Ole J.; Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Risøe, Cecilie; Rise, Ingunn.
Cerebral nitric oxide concentration and microcirculation during hypercapnia, hypoxia, and high intracranial pressure in pigs. Journal of clinical neuroscience 2000 ;Volum 7.(6) s. 531-538
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14 Kutzsche, Stefan.
Abraham Jacobi (1830–1919) and his transition from political to medical activist. Acta Paediatrica 2021 ;Volum 110.(8) s. 2303-2305
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15 Kutzsche, Stefan.
Ernst Moro (1874-1951) was much more than the reflex that was named after him. Acta Paediatrica 2020 s. 1-4
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16 Kutzsche, Stefan.
Developing strategies for a program to reduce neonatal illness and mortality in developing countries. University of Oslo, International Community Health (master`s 2 years); 2007-09-25
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17 Kutzsche, Stefan.
Erfaringer med bedside operasjon for medfødt diafragmahernie. Barnekirurgisk høstmøte 2006; 2006-10-03 - 2006-10-03
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18 Kutzsche, Stefan.
Evaluering av faglig dyktighet hos kommunalt ansatte leger med utdanning fra land utenfor EØS. Det norske medisinske selskap; 2006-10-20
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19 Kutzsche, Stefan.
Injury of the cranial part of the medulla oblongata after minor sharp trauma - a case report. 5th World Congress on Pediatric Critical Care; 2007-06-24 - 2007-06-28
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20 Kutzsche, Stefan.
National orientation and cultural competence of internationally trained medical doctors in Norway. APMEC 2008; 2008-01-24 - 2008-01-27
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21 Kutzsche, Stefan.
Professional-, cooperation- and communication skills of internationally trained medical doctors in Norway. AMEE 2007; 2007-08-27 - 2207-08-30
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22 Kutzsche, Stefan.
The Quality of Internationally Trained Medical Doctors. An empirical study of the skills of internationally trained physicians after their authorization in Norway. An approach to aid in the integration of foreign-trained physicians into the Norwegian medical workforce. Oslo: Institute of health management and health economics 2006 119 s.
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23 Kutzsche, Stefan; Kutzsche, Hildegunn; Dornan, Tim.
What do paediatric trainees require from their clinical supervisors?. Acta Paediatrica 2014 ;Volum 103.(4) s. e169-e172
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24 Kutzsche, Stefan; Partridge, John Colin; Leuthner, Steven R.; Lantos, John D..
When Life-Sustaining Treatment Is Withdrawn and the Patient Doesn't Die. Pediatrics 2013 ;Volum 132.(5) s. 893-897
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25 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Akutt lungesvikt. Legers Videre- og Etterutdanning: Hjertet og lungenes funksjon under anestesi og i relasjon til intensivmedisin - - Kurs nr. TØ-512; 1994-11-21
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26 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Akutt lungesvikt. Leger Videre- og Etterutdannelse: Hjertet og lungenes funksjon under anestesi og i relasjon til intensivmedisin, Kurs TØ 512; 1993-11-20
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27 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Akuttmedisinsk beredskap ved en barneintensivavdeling. Legers Videre- og Etterutdanning: Akutt Pediatri Kurs nr. TØ-843; 2002-03-05
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28 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Cerebral MRI hos nyfødte som diagnostikum og prognostikum ved mulig/usikker cerebral hypoksiperiode. prøveforelesning, oppgitt emne; 2002-11-28
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29 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Cerebrale vaskulære katastrofer av arteriell årsak hos barn. Barneintensivdagene; 2003-02-11
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30 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Effects of hopoxemia and reoxygenation on cerebral microcirculation, nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide and excitatory amino acid concentrations. An experimental study in newborn pigs. Universitetet i Oslo 2002 (ISBN 82-8072-035-9) -1 s.
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31 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Effects of hypoxia and reoxygenation on cerebral nitric oxide concentration in pigs. 22nd Meeting of the European Society for Microcirculation; 2002-08-28
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32 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Effects of jypoxemia and reoxygenation on cerebral microcirculation, nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide and excitatory amino acid concentrations. : Unversitetet i Oslo 2002 (ISBN 82-8072-035-9) -1 s.
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33 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Endringer i profilen av pediatrisk intensiv medisin ved sentralisering. Akutt pediatri kurs nr. TØ-843; 2002-03-05
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34 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Intensivmedisinske problemer hos barn etter nyfødtperioden. Legers Videre- og Etterutdanning: Akutt pediatri kurs nr. TØ-843; 2002-03-05
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35 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Karbonmonoksyd forgiftning hos barn. Barneintensivdagene; 2001-02-01
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36 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Når endene ikke møtes - Problemer hos barn med medfødte misdannelser i spiserøret. prøveforlesning, selvvalgt emne; 2002-11-28
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37 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Sedasjon og smertelindring ved invasive radiologiske prosedyrer. Kurs i perkutane endovaskulære teknikker; 2001-10-11
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38 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Sedasjon, smertelindring og overvåkning av pasienter ved intervensjonsradiologiske prosedyrer. Praktisk Kurs i Intervensjonsradiologi; 2002-11-04
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39 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Syrgasbehandling- finns där en bakside?. FLISA/SRAG konferens; 1999-09-23
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40 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus.
Øsofagusatresi - " når endene ikke møtes". Barneintensivdagene; 2003-02-11
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41 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Hevrøy, O.; Bjertnæs, L. B..
Adenosine inhibits increments of extravascular lung water in lung injury following endotoxin infusion in pigs. International Steglitz Symposium; 1994-02-01
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42 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Hevrøy, O.; Bjertnæs, L. B..
Extravascular lung water during hypothermia and rewarming in pigs. Annual Meeting of the European Society of Anaesthesiology; 1994-06-01
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43 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Ilves, P.; Kirkeby, Ole J.; Saugstad, Ola Didrik.
Cerebral neutrophil respiratory burst in newborn piglets during asphyxia and resuscitation with 100 % or 21 % oxygen. 40 th Annual meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Research; 1999-09-01
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44 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Ilves, P.; Kirkeby, Ole J.; Saugstad, Ola Didrik.
Hydrogen peroxide production in leukocytes during celebral hypoxia and rexygenation with 100% or 21% oxgygen in newborn piglets. Pediatric Research 2001 ;Volum 49.(6) s. 834-842
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45 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Ilves, P.; Kirkeby, Ole J.; Saugstad, Ola Didrik.
Hydrogen peroxide production in leukocytes during cerebral hypoxia and reoxygenation with 100% or 21% oxygen in newborn piglets. Pediatric Research 2001 ;Volum 49.(6) s. 834-842
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46 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Kirkeby, Ole J.; Rise, Ingunn; Saugstad, Ola Didrik.
Effects of hypoxia and reoxygenation with 21% and 100% oxygen on cerebral nitric oxide concentration and microcirculation in newborn piglets. Biology of the Neonate 1999 ;Volum 76. s. 153-167
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47 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Kirkeby, Ole J.; Saugstad, Ola Didrik.
Produksjon av nitrogen oksyd (NO) og forandringer i hjernesirkulasjonen ved hypoxi og reoksygenering med 100% og 21% O2 hos nyfødte griser. Norsk nevrokirurgisk forenings høstmøte; 1997-10-01
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48 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Kirkeby, Ole J.; Saugstad, Ola Didrik.
Resuscitation with 100 % oxygen increases posthypoxic cerebral nitric oxide activity in newborn piglets. 38 Annual meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Research; 1997-09-01
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49 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Lyberg, Torstein; Bjærtnæs, Lars J..
Effects of adenosine on extra vascular lung water content in endotoxemic pigs. Critical Care Medicine 2001 ;Volum 29.(12) s. 2371-2376
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50 Kutzsche, Stefan Paus; Pedersen, Terje Rolf; Seljeflot, Ingebjørg; Lyberg, Torstein.
Activation of Coagulation and fibrinolysis during experimental endotoxaemia in pigs. Meeting of the International Society on Haemostasis and Thrombosis,; 1993-01-01
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