Current Research Information SysTem In Norway

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About Cristin

Lars Lien

Department of Health and Nursing Sciences (Professor) - Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste ROP (Rådgiver - adm) - Innlandet Hospital Trust

Div Psykisk helsevern () - Innlandet Hospital Trust

Undervisning IKM (Professor) - UiT The Arctic University of Norway

DPS Elverum-Hamar (Underordnet lege, spes.) - Innlandet Hospital Trust


Contact information

Høgskolen i Innlandet


Sykehuset Innlandet HF


DPS (Distriktpsykiatrisk senter)

Sykehuset Innlandet HF


DPS (Distriktpsykiatrisk senter)

UiT Norges arktiske universitet


Sykehuset Innlandet HF


DPS (Distriktpsykiatrisk senter)


Street address
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Social and Health Sciences Section for Mental Health and Rehabilitation Campus Elverum

Private e-mail

Personal website

Academic disciplines

Psychiatry, child psychiatry


Personal Information


Research visit(s)

Research visits registered in Cristin



Evaluation and Efficacy study for using the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI), in psychiatric clinics for children and adolescents (Bup).

Patterns and courses of somatic illness and the utilization of health services among patients with substance use disorders and/or mental disorders in Norway

The Use of Virtual Reality and Deliberate Practice to Enhance Competence for Psychologists: An Experimental Study of Supervision and Skill-training

Impact of COVID 19 on persons with MHD and SUD

Virtual Reality as a facilitator for participation in society among persons with mental health or substance use disorders

Video gaming and esports: An exploratory study of video gaming in youth and preventive efforts on responsible gaming

Kulturformuleringsintervjuet i Barne- og ungdomspsykiatrien

The effects of serious injury on mental health trajectories in Norway, The injury Prevention and Outcomes following Trauma project(IPOT)

Mental health and health behavior in 10th grade as predictors of school dropout in high school and labor market marginalization in young adulthood.

Trippel stress blant innsatspersonell: kontekst, mestring og helse. En mixed methods studie.

Utvikling av VR-basert læringsverktøy for sosial inkludering av ROP pasienter

Bridging the gap between current practice and recommendations in national guidelines: a qualitative study of mental health services

Fritt behandlingsvalg i psykisk helsefeltet , dilemmaer og nye muligheter ved utvikling av medisinfrie tilbud sett i lys av et personorientert perspektiv i spennet mellom faglig forsvarlighet og en recoveryorientert praksis. • Dette prosjektet ønsker å beskrive og utdype et utsnitt av det menings- og kunnskapsgrunnlaget som i dag eksisterer hos sentrale aktører i psykisk helsefeltet knyttet til spørsmålet om valgfrihet. I lys av den nasjonale prosessen om å styrke selvbestemmelse.

Asylsøkere og flyktninger i Norge

Children's and adolescents' responses to the pandemic– future risks of increasing inequalities in learning and mental health (YoungEqual)

Forebygging av trusler og vold i oppsøkende tjenester til personer med samtidig rus- og psykiske lidelser

Is depression a consequence of immunological changes among heavy users of alcohol?

Through the eyes of immigrants and health professionals: Coping and treatment experiences of men with immigrant background and living with co-occurring substance use and mental health problems in Norway

Ph.D. project: Virtual nature experiences as a supplement in the treatment of mild/moderate depression

Research Groups

Helse og mestring i et tverrfaglig perspektiv
Hvordan går det med unge som har vært i rusbehandling? En longitudinell kohortundersøkelse

Research centres

Nordic CFI Research GroupSenter for rus- og avhengighetsforskning, SERAF