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1 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Kleiven, Hanne Merete Hestvik; Mørreaunet, Sissel; Antonsen, Yngve; Steinsvik, Betty.
Nasjonal lederutdanning for styrere i barnehagen – en arena for kvalifisering, sosialisering og subjektivering. Nordisk barnehageforskning 2024 ;Volume 21.(2) p. 1-19
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2 Demeshkant, Nataliia; Madsen, Siri Sollied; Janeš, Aleksander; Klančar, Andreja; Brito, Rita; Konca, Sami; Krasin, Serhii; Saure, Heidi Iren; O'Connor, Jane; Jwaifell, Mustafa; Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Trusz, Sławomir.
What digital tools teachers are ready to use in kindergarten – international comparative study with early childhood pre-service teachers. I: The 31st international conference on computers in education (ICCE 2023) Conference proceedings Volume 1. Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education 2023 ISBN 978-626-968-901-9. p. 855-860
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3 Janeš, Aleksander; Madsen, Siri Sollied; Saure, Heidi Iren; Lie, Marit Helene; Gjesdal, Beate Eltarvåg; Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Brito, Rita; Krasin, Serhii; Jwaifell, Mustafa; Sami Konca, Ahmed; Klančar, Andreja.
Preliminary Results from Norway, Slovenia, Portugal, Turkey, Ukraine, and Jordan: Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Expected Use of Digital Technology When Becoming Teachers. Education Sciences 2023 ;Volume 13.(8)
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4 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
A blind spot in the curricula?. NERA 2023. Digitalization and Technologies in Education - Opportunities and Challenges; 2023-03-15 - 2023-03-17
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5 Madsen, Siri Sollied; O’Connor, Jane; Janeš, Aleksander; Klančar, Andreja; Brito, Rita; Demeshkant, Nataliia; Sami Konca, Ahmed; Krasin, Serhii; Saure, Heidi Iren; Gjesdal, Beate Eltarvåg; Ludgate, Shannon; Jwaifell, Mustafa; Almuhtadi, Reham; Thorvaldsen, Steinar.
International Perspectives on the Dynamics of Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers’ Digital Competences. Education Sciences 2023 ;Volume 13.(7)
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6 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Unstad, Torstein; Tveiterås, Nils Christian; Dardanou, Maria; Habbestad, Helge; Kosner, Lukas.
Planverkets blindsone? En analyse av profesjonsfaglig digital kompetanse i emneplanbeskrivelser for barnehagelærerutdanning. Nordisk barnehageforskning 2023 ;Volume 20.(4) p. 103-128
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7 Habbestad, Helge; Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Barnehagelærerutdanninga i Tromsø. 50 år med lek og læring. Jubileumsarrangement barnehagelærerutdanninga i Tromsø 50 år; 2022-10-21 - 2022-10-21
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8 Habbestad, Helge; Steinsvik, Betty; Bergan, Veronica; Myrstad, Anne; Madsen, Siri Sollied; Sundelin, Marit L; Ludvigsen, Henriette.
Nøkkelkompetanse i utdanningen. Altaposten 2022
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9 Habbestad, Helge; Steinsvik, Betty; Bergan, Veronica; Myrstad, Anne; Madsen, Siri Sollied; Sundelin, Marit; Ludvigsen, Henriette.
Lovverket for barnehagene må endres. 2022
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10 Ludvigsen, Henriette; Unstad, Torstein; Steinsvik, Betty; Madsen, Siri Sollied; Boldermo, Sidsel; Bartnæs, Pernille Elisabeth; Dardanou, Maria; Bråthen, Hanne Kristin.
Om fargelegging, relasjoner og etikk i barnehage og skole. Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 2022
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11 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Attitudes, beliefs and online learning in Norway and Ukraine. the VІth International Scientific and Practical Conference: "Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Higher and Secondary Education in Modern Challenges: Theory and Practice"; 2022-05-20 - 2022-05-21
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12 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
En vei mot å lede et internasjonalt forskningsnettverk. Kvinnenettverkssamling HVL-FF; 2022-05-18 - 2022-05-20
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13 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
International perspectives on the dynamics of pre-service early childhood teachers’ digital competencies. Conference New Media Pedagogy 2022, research trends, methodological challenges and successful implementations; 2022-10-10 - 2022-10-12
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14 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Habbestad, Helge.
Online kindergarten practicum generated by the COVID-19 crisis. IRECE - International Research on Early Childhood Education; 2022-11-21 - 2022-11-22
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15 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Habbestad, Helge; Borch, Iris.
Correction: Valuable unintended learning outcomes when practicum for student teachers in kindergartens is carried out online (Education and Information Technologies, (2022), 10.1007/s10639-022-11135-z). Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education 2022 p. -
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16 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Habbestad, Helge; Borch, Iris.
Valuable unintended learning outcomes when practicum for student teachers in kindergartens is carried out online. Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education 2022 p. -
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17 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Thorvaldsen, Steinar.
Implications of the imposed and extensive use of online education in an early childhood education program. Nordisk barnehageforskning 2022 ;Volume 19.(1) p. 1-20
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18 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Tveiterås, Nils Christian; Unstad, Torstein.
An analysis of subject curricula in Norwegian early childhood teacher education considering formal requirement of professional digital competence. NERA annual conference 2022; 2022-06-01 - 2022-06-03
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19 Sollied, Sissel Heidi; Skogdal, Signhild; Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Når refleksjon og faglig skjønn abdiserer. Nordnorsk debatt - Nordlys 2022
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20 Tveiterås, Nils Christian; Madsen, Siri Sollied.
From Tools to Complexity? - A systematic Literature Analysis of Digital Competence Among Preservice Teachers in Norway. I: Digital Literacy for Teachers. Springer Nature 2022 ISBN 978-981-19-1737-0. p. 345-390
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21 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
DigiCross - International research informing future development of educational curricula and policies. the Vth International Scientific and Practical Conference "Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Higher and Secondary Education in Modern Challenges: Theory and Practice"; 2021-03-31 - 2021-04-02
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22 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Early childhood education - dynamics of digital practices. Digital Childhoods, Multimodality and STEM SIG Annual Meeting; 2021-09-02 - 2021-09-02
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23 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
2020: ЗМІНИ СТАВЛЕННЯ ВИКЛАДАЧІВ ДО ЦИФРОВИХ ТЕХНОЛОГІЙ ЯК ДО ОСВІТНЬОГО РЕСУРСУ. I: V Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції ПСИХОЛОГО-ПЕДАГОГІЧНІ ПРОБЛЕМИ ВИЩОЇ І СЕРЕДНЬОЇ ОСВІТИ В УМОВАХ СУЧАСНИХ ВИКЛИКІВ: ТЕОРІЯ І ПРАКТИКА (the Vth International Scientific and Practical Conference "Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Higher and Secondary Education in Modern Challenges: Theory and Practice"). Kharkiv: Kharkiv National Pedagogical University 2021 ISBN 9786177886203. p. 147-154
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24 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
2020: A shift in practitioner attitudes towards digital technology as an educational resource. the Vth International Scientific and Practical Conference "Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Higher and Secondary Education in Modern Challenges: Theory and Practice"; 2021-03-31 - 2021-04-02
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25 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Habbestad, Helge.
Tilrettelagt praksis - Studenters og praksislæreres perspektiver og erfaringer knyttet til digital praksis.. FoU-dag for barnehageforskning; 2021-10-18 - 2021-10-19
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26 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Krasin, Segei; Krasina, H.; Khodykina, Y..
Cross-sectional studies of Ukrainian and Norwegian pre-service early childhood education teachers’ digital practices. I: V Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції ПСИХОЛОГО-ПЕДАГОГІЧНІ ПРОБЛЕМИ ВИЩОЇ І СЕРЕДНЬОЇ ОСВІТИ В УМОВАХ СУЧАСНИХ ВИКЛИКІВ: ТЕОРІЯ І ПРАКТИКА (the Vth International Scientific and Practical Conference "Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Higher and Secondary Education in Modern Challenges: Theory and Practice"). Kharkiv: Kharkiv National Pedagogical University 2021 ISBN 9786177886203.
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27 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Sollied, Sissel.
Are Teacher Students’ Deep Learning and Critical Thinking at Risk of Being Limited in Digital Learning Environments?. I: Teacher Education in the 21st Century - Emerging Skills for a Changing World. IntechOpen 2021 ISBN 978-1-83968-793-8. p. 55-70
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28 Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Decoding the Digital Gap in Teacher Education: Three Perspectives across the Globe. I: Teacher Education in the 21st Century - Emerging Skills for a Changing World. IntechOpen 2021 ISBN 978-1-83968-793-8. p. 3-18
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29 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Attitudes, use and competence regarding professional use of digital technology in early childhood education. 2020 EECERA SIG ‘Digital Childhoods, Multimodality and STEM’ online meetings; 2020-09-08 - 2020-09-10
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30 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Gode forutsetninger for å bli en lærende organisasjon med fokus på PfDK. Webinar: fagdag for lærere og skoleledere – innføring av nytt læreplanverk; 2020-10-29 - 2020-10-29
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31 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Hvordan kan man skape rom i utdanning og barnehage for fokus på bærekraftige digital praksiser?. DigiSus-Webinar: Bærekraftige digitale praksisar i barnehagen?; 2020-11-18 - 2020-11-19
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32 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Understandings and attitudes regarding skill-based and competency-based cultures for learning: a comparative study of Norwegian and New Zealand teacher educators. Educational Research for Policy and Practice 2020 p. 301-318
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33 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
What is the motivation of Norwegian and New Zealand teacher educators for using digital technology when teaching?. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) 2020 ;Volume 4.(2) p. 42-63
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34 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Unstad, Torstein.
A sustainable future regarding digital technology in kindergartens – challenges and opportunities. Barnehageforskningskonferanse 2020 - Å skape bærekraftige barnehager – perspektiver, muligheter og utfordringer; 2020-09-28 - 2020-09-30
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35 Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Perspectives on the tensions in teaching with technology in Norwegian teacher education analysed using Argyris and Schön’s theory of action. Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education 2020 p. 5281-5299
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36 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Kritisk tenkning og dybdelæring. Fagdag for rektornettverket i Senja Kommune; 2019-06-14
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37 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Perspektiver på fagfornyelsen og ny overordnet del i kunnskapsløftet. Fagdag for rektornettverket i Senja kommune; 2019-04-23 - 2019-04-23
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38 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Archard, Sara; Thorvaldsen, Steinar.
How different national strategies of implementing digital technology can affect teacher educators. A comparative study of teacher education in Norway and New Zealand. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 2019 ;Volume 13.(4, 2018) p. 7-23
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39 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Om idealer og realiteter i lærerutdanningers bruk av digital teknologi. En komparativ studie av lærerutdanninger i Norge og New Zealand. Tromsø: UiT 2019 (ISBN 978-82-8244-212-1) 200 p.
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40 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Thorvaldsen, Steinar.
Conceptualising a Dynamic Technology Practice in Education Using Argyris and Schön's Theory of Action. I: International Conference on Innovative Technologies and Learning ICITL 2019. Springer 2019 ISBN 978-3-030-35342-1. p. 291-300
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41 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Thorvaldsen, Steinar.
Conceptualising a Dynamic Technology Practice in Education Using Argyris and Schön’s Theory of Action. International Conference on Innovative Technologies and Learning ICITL 2019: Innovative Technologies and Learning; 2019-12-02 - 2019-12-05
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42 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Archard, Sara.
Teacher educators’ perceptions of working with digital technologies.. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 2018 ;Volume 13.(3) p. 177-196
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43 Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Hvordan vurderer lærerutdannere og lærerstudenter bruken av digitale verktøy?. Forskningsgruppemøte; 2018-11-21
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44 Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Madsen, Siri Sollied.
The interaction between teacher educators and their students on the use of educational technology: Similarities and differences of attitudes, skills, and practice across a generational change. I: The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2018 - Proceedings. Maastricht, The Netherlands: EADTU 2018 ISBN 978-90-79730-35-3. p. 264-277
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45 Sollied, Sissel; Worum, Kirsten Sivertsen; Madsen, Siri Sollied; Kamplid, Ingvild.
Pedagogisk arbeid innefor et relasjonelt perspektiv -Erfaringer med ICDP i skole og barnehage. Spesialpedagogikk 2017 (02) p. 53-66
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46 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
An International Study of the Digital Developments’ Effect on Educational Contexts.. FEDU Colloquium Series; 2016-03-04 - 2016-03-04
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47 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
Ideals and reality: The use of digital tools in teacher education.
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48 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
The Use of Digital Technology in Teacher Education - Policy and Practice. The 4th NAFOL conference; 2016-10-17 - 2016-10-19
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49 Madsen, Siri Sollied; Thorvaldsen, Steinar.
Digital tools in teacher education: A purposeful sample-selection strategy for interviews based on maximum variation.. Bringing teacher education forward. National and International Perspectives; 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-08
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50 Madsen, Siri Sollied.
En profilert lærerutdanner ved UiTs førskolelærerutdanning. I: Profilerte lærerutdannere i Norge.. Trondheim: Nasjonal forskerskole for lærerutdanning (NAFOL) 2014 p. 105-106
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