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1 Platou, Rikke Stoud; Aspelund, Arild.
Managerial rationales for investing and divesting under uncertainty. Cogent Business & Management 2019 ;Volum 6.(1) s. -
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2 Oliveira Morais Storz, Marta Angelica; Platou, Rikke Stoud; Norheim, Kine Berild.
Innovation and metamorphosis towards strategic resilience. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research 2018 ;Volum 24.(7) s. 1181-1199
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3 Morais-Storz, Marta; Platou, Rikke Stoud.
Problem setting in innovating and strategizing for a future unknown. The XXVII ISPIM Innovation Conference - Blending Tomorrow's Innovation Vintage; 2016-06-19 - 2016-06-22
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4 Mortensholm, Stein Kleppe; Sjursen, Liv Ragnhild Holdhus; Bakka, Haakon Christopher; Toraskar, Jimita Prashant; Platou, Rikke Stoud; Schultz, Joseph Samuel; Snipstad, Sofie; Aurand, Katherine Rose; Lehmann O, Olga V; Finnøy, Andreas; Mathisen, Siri Holthe.
Forsker Grand Prix 2016, regionfinale i Trondheim. NRK [TV] 2016-09-29
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5 Nguyen, Nhien; Platou, Rikke Stoud.
The interplay of paradoxical tensions in ambidexterity. DRUID 16 Conference; 2016-06-13 - 2016-06-15
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6 Platou, Rikke Stoud.
Er innovasjonsforskning relevant for NTE?. Ledersamling; 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-06
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7 Platou, Rikke Stoud.
Innovasjon i kraftbransjen? Er det mulig?. Kraftdagen 2016; 2016-11-01 - 2016-11-01
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8 Platou, Rikke Stoud; Aspelund, Arild; Johansen, Nina Buer; Malmedal, Maren Flugstad.
Top managers' future orientation and corporate strategy under changing environments. The XXVII ISPIM Innovation Conference - Blending Tomorrow's Innovation Vintage; 2016-06-19 - 2016-06-22
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9 Platou, Rikke Stoud; Bazilchuk, Nancy Reney.
Helping today’s power companies anticipate tomorrow. [Internett] 2016-09-26
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10 Platou, Rikke Stoud; Opheim, Aagot.
Rikke skal modernisere kraftselskapene. Adresseavisen [Avis] 2016-09-29
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11 Sætre, Alf Steinar; Græslie, Lisa Synnøve Schüle; Platou, Rikke Stoud; Benum, Bård.
Innovasjon er mer enn entreprenørskap. Adresseavisen 2016 s. 61-61
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12 Platou, Rikke Stoud.
En kraftbransje i endring åpner for nye aktører. Agder Energi konferansen 2015; 2015-05-27 - 2015-05-28
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13 Platou, Rikke Stoud.
En kraftbransje i endring åpner opp for nye aktører. Markedskonferansen; 2015-11-03 - 2015-11-04
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14 Platou, Rikke Stoud; Barstad, Haakon.
Profilintervju: Hvordan vil fremtidens energiselskap se ut?. Energi [Fagblad] 2015-06-25
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15 Platou, Rikke Stoud; Norheim, Kine.
- Gründere er ikke ekstreme typer. [Internett] 2014-05-13
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16 Thue, Karen; Norheim, Kine; Platou, Rikke Stoud; Edmondson, Amy.
- Gründere er ikke ekstreme typer. [Internett] 2014-05-13
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17 Lopes, Roberto Rigolin Ferreira; Platou, Rikke Stoud; Hendseth, Sverre; Torrisi, Nunzio Marko; Gregertsen, Kristoffer Nyborg; Mathisen, Geir.
Deploying third party services at smart grids end users using broadband links. I: 2013 4th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe, Lyngby, 6-9 Oct. 2013. IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) 2013 ISBN 978-1-4799-2984-9. s. -
18 Lopes, Roberto Rigolin Ferreira; Platou, Rikke Stoud; Nunzio Marco, Torrisi; Gregertsen, Kristoffer Nyborg; Mathisen, Geir; Hendseth, Sverre.
Deploying third party services at smart grids end users using broadband links. 4th European Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Conference; 2013-10-06 - 2013-10-09
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19 Van de Ven, Andrew; Aspelund, Arild; Platou, Rikke Stoud; Morais-Storz, Marta.
- Innovasjonsutdanning i verdensklasse. Adresseavisen [Avis] 2012-09-15
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