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1 Voogd, Remko; Rudberg, Peter; D. Vries, Jasper; Beunen, Raoul; Espiritu, Aileen Aseron; Methner, Nadine; Larsen, Rasmus Kløcker; Fedreheim, Gunn Elin; Goes, Sander Bernardus; Kruger, Elizabeth.
A systematic review on the role of trust in the water governance literature. Water Research 2022 ;Volum 16. s. 1-12
UiT Untitled
2 Fedreheim, Gunn Elin; Goes, Sander Bernardus.
Grad av tillit og kjennskap til norsk vannforvaltning. Vann 2021 ;Volum 02. s. 143-155
UiT Untitled
3 Goes, Sander Bernardus; Fedreheim, Gunn Elin.
EnTruGo: Har folk tillit til forvaltningen?. Medlemsmøte; 2021-10-18 - 2021-10-18
UiT Untitled
4 Goes, Sander Bernardus; Skorstad, Berit.
Bærekraftig mineralutvinning i nord-Norge: visjon eller realitet?. I: Vårt lille Land - Små samfunn, store utfordringer. Orkana Forlag 2018 ISBN 978-82-8104-338-1. s. 137-159
NORD UiT Untitled
5 Goes, Sander Bernardus; Skorstad, Berit.
Legitimizing Business?: Environmental Awareness in the Norwegian Mining Industry. I: The Will to Drill - Mining in Arctic Communities. Springer Publishing Company 2018 ISBN 978-3-319-62610-9. s. 61-80
NORD UiT Untitled
6 Goes, Sander Bernardus.
Educational Collaboration in the Barents Region: An Island of Peace?. I: Higher Education in the High North: Academic Exchanges between Norway and Russia. Springer 2017 ISBN 978-3-319-56832-4. s. 89-102
NORD Untitled
7 Goes, Sander Bernardus.
Russian Space Meets Western Business Practices - Understanding the Law in the Petroleum Sector in Russia. Nordlit 2017 (39) s. 18-33
UiT Untitled
8 Goes, Sander Bernardus.
Understanding informal networks in higher edcuation institutions: Theoretical concepts from a Russian and Norwegian perspective. Barents Studies 2015 ;Volum 2.(1) s. 34-49
NORD Untitled
9 Goes, Sander Bernardus.
Utbyggingen av petroleumsssektoren i Barentshavet på russisk sokkel – luftslott eller virkelighet?. I: Hvor går Nord-Norge? Bind 3. Politiske tidslinjer. Orkana Forlag 2013 ISBN 978-82-8104-224-7. s. 81-92
NORD Untitled