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1 Asteman, Irina Polovodova; Alve, Elisabeth; Dolven, Jane; Eliassen, Nicole; Ferraro, Mattia; Hess, Silvia; Morin, Filip; Panova, Marina; Rumpfhuber, Nina; Schweizer, Magali; Wiechmann, Marlene R.; Maciute, Adele; Choquel, Constance; Filipsson, Helena L.; Sundberg, Per; Bergström, Per; Risebrobakken, Bjørg; Aasgaard, Sigrid.
Spreading of an alien benthic foraminifer in the North Sea: a reason to be worried?. FORAMS 2023; 2023-06-26 - 2023-06-30
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2 Hess, Silvia; Alve, Elisabeth; Helland, Aud.
Retrospective benthic foraminiferal community studies: a sensitive method to determine early environmental changes. FORAMS 2023; 2023-06-26 - 2023-06-30
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3 Ricardo de Freitas, Thaise; Hess, Silvia; Renaud, Paul Eric; Alve, Elisabeth.
Spatio-temporal distribution patterns of benthic foraminifera in the northern Barents Sea. International Symposium on Foraminifera; 2023-06-26 - 2023-06-30
4 Klootwijk, Anouk Tosca; Alve, Elisabeth.
Does the analysed size fraction of benthic foraminifera influence the ecological quality status and the interpretation of environmental conditions? Indications from two northern Norwegian fjords. Ecological Indicators 2022 ;Volum 135. s. -
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5 Ricardo de Freitas, Thaise; Hess, Silvia; Renaud, Paul Eric; Alve, Elisabeth.
Benthic foraminiferal biodiversity in the northern Barents Sea: preliminary results. The Micropalaeontological Society Annual Conference 2022; 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-11
6 Ricardo de Freitas, Thaise; Hess, Silvia; Renaud, Paul Eric; Alve, Elisabeth.
Seasonal variability on living benthic foraminiferal biodiversity in the northern Barents Sea: preliminary results. Nansen Legacy Annual Meeting 2022; 2022-11-01 - 2022-11-03
7 Ziegler, Amanda; Ricardo de Freitas, Thaise; Altenburger, Andreas; Alve, Elisabeth; Bluhm, Bodil; Bodur, Yasemin V.; Cautain, Ivan J.; Hess, Silvia; Kohler, Stephen Gustav; Kull, Laura M.; Jorda Molina, Eric; Naletto, Francesca; Reiss, Henning; Renaud, Paul Eric; Sen, Arunima; Wernström, Joel Vikberg; Øverås, Lise.
Lack of (or weak) seasonality in Barents sea and Nansen Basin sediments and biota? A preliminary assessment. Nansen Legacy Annual Meeting; 2022-10-31 - 2022-11-03
8 Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Alve, Elisabeth.
Naturally changing reference conditions: Evidence of isostatic uplift being the main cause of changes in ecological status in a SW Norwegian fjord system. Ecological Indicators 2021 ;Volum 131. s. -
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9 Hess, Silvia; Alve, Elisabeth; Helland, Aud.
E 16 og Vossebanen, Arna-Stanghelle. Miljøforholdene i Sørfjorden og Veafjorden, Vestland, dagens og tidligere tiders tilstand. : Statens vegvesen, rapport UAS-01-Q-00029 2021 37 s.
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10 Klootwijk, Anouk Tosca; Sweetman, Andrew K.; Hess, Silvia; Alve, Elisabeth; Dunlop, Kathrine M.; Renaud, Paul Eric.
Benthic foraminiferal carbon cycling in coastal zone sediments: The influence of the assemblage structure and jellyfish detritus. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2021 ;Volum 261. s. -
11 Ricardo de Freitas, Thaise; Alve, Elisabeth; Hess, Silvia; Renaud, Paul Eric.
Drivers of organic carbon distribution and accumulation in the Northern Barents Sea. Nansen Legacy Annual Meeting 2021; 2021-10-25 - 2021-10-28
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12 Hess, Silvia; Alve, Elisabeth; Andersen, Thorbjørn J.; Joranger, Tore.
Defining ecological reference conditions in naturally stressed environments – How difficult is it?. Marine Environmental Research 2020 ;Volum 156. s. -
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13 Husum, Katrine; Ninnemann, Ulysses S; Rydningen, Tom Arne; Alve, Elisabeth; El Bani Altuna, Naima; Braaten, Anna Hauge; Eilertsen, Vårin Trælvik; Gamaboa, Viviana; Kjøller, Marianne Risager; Orme, Lisa Claire; Rutledal, Sunniva; Tessin, Allyson; Zindorf, Mark.
Paleo Cruise 2018: Cruise Report. : Septentrio Academic Publishing 2020
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14 Klootwijk, Anouk Tosca; Alve, Elisabeth; Hess, Silvia; Renaud, Paul Eric; Sørlie, Carsten; Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne.
Monitoring environmental impacts of fish farms: Comparing reference conditions of sediment geochemistry and benthic foraminifera with the present. Ecological Indicators 2020 ;Volum 120. s. -
15 Klootwijk, Anouk Tosca; Alve, Elisabeth; Silvia, Hess; Carsten, Sørlie.
Utilizing benthic foraminifera and geochemical parameters in modern stratigraphy as a tool to solve challenges in biomonitoring.. Conference talk; 2020-01-08 - 2020-01-10
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16 Deldicq, Noemie; Alve, Elisabeth; Schweizer, Magali; Asteman, Irina Polovodova; Hess, Silvia; Darling, Kate; Bouchet, Vincent Marcel Pierre.
History of the introduction of a species resembling the benthic foraminifera nonionella stella in the oslofjord (Norway): Morphological, molecular and paleo-ecological evidences. Aquatic Invasions 2019 ;Volum 14.(2) s. 182-205
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17 Klootwijk, Anouk Tosca; Alve, Elisabeth; Silvia, Hess; Carsten, Sørlie.
The impact of fish farming in an arctic fjord investigated using geochemical parameters and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. Conference talk; 2019-07-07 - 2019-07-07
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18 Bouchet, Vincent MP; Telford, Richard J; Rygg, Brage; Oug, Eivind; Alve, Elisabeth.
Can benthic foraminifera serve as proxies for changes in benthic macrofaunal community structure? Implications for the definition of reference conditions. Marine Environmental Research 2018 ;Volum 137. s. 24-36
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19 Deldicq, Noémie; Alve, Elisabeth; Schweizer, Magali; Asteman, Irina Polovodova; Hess, Silvia; Darling, Kate; Bouchet, Vincent Marcel Pierre.
Is the foraminiferal species resembling Nonionella stella a non-indigenous species (NIS) in the Oslofjord (Norway)?. Forams 2018; 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-22
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20 Alve, Elisabeth.
Advances in Foraminiferal Biomonitoring. Forams 2018; 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-22
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21 Alve, Elisabeth.
Sjekker mudderet i havbunnen. [Internett] 2018-08-15
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22 Alve, Elisabeth; Hess, Silvia; Bouchet, Vincent M P; Dolven, Jane K; Rygg, Brage.
Intercalibration of benthic foraminiferal and macrofaunal biotic indices: An example from the Norwegian Skagerrak coast (NE North Sea). Ecological Indicators 2018 ;Volum 96. s. 107-115
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23 Alve, Elisabeth; Hess, Silvia; Sørlie, Carsten; Klootwijk, Anouk Tosca; Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne.
Akvakultur og naturtilstand i en Nordnorsk fjord: har miljøstatus forandret seg?. Oslo: UiO 2018 49 s.
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24 Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Alve, Elisabeth.
Miljøgifter i indre Oslofjord: Kartlegging av historisk forløp gjennom analyser av utvalgte miljøgifter i daterte sedimentkjerner.. Oslo: Fagrådet for vann- og avløpstekninsk samarbeid i indre Oslofjord 2018 127 s.
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25 Dolven, Jane Karine Lønne; Hess, Silvia; Hylland, Ketil; Alve, Elisabeth.
Foraminiferer som miljøindikator for vannkvalitet og levevilkår på sjøbunnen i Indre Oslofjord. Oslo: Fagrådet for vann- og avløpstekninsk samarbeid i indre Oslofjord 2018 25 s.
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26 Hess, Silvia; Birkeland Sjetne, Lars; Alve, Elisabeth.
Does aquaculture activity have an impact on the benthic environment? - A study from Hardangerfjorden (SW Norway). FORAMS 2018; 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-22
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27 Husum, Katrine; Alve, Elisabeth; Ninnemann, Ulysses S; Rydningen, Tom Arne.
På land igjen etter Nansen paleo-tokt – en fot i bakken og veien videre.
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28 Kjøller, Marianne Risager; Alve, Elisabeth.
Havisens innflytelse på livet i havbunnen – fortid og nåtid. Blogg: Arven etter Nansen. [Internett] 2018-10-16
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29 Klootwijk, Anouk Tosca; Alve, Elisabeth; Silvia, Hess; Renaud, Paul Eric.
Benthic foraminiferal response to carbon loading introduced by “jelly-falls”: An ex-situ experiment using material from Kaldfjord (Northern Norway).. 15 min presentation; 2018-06-18 - 2018-06-23
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30 Alve, Elisabeth.
Definering av referansetilstanden i kystfarvann. Faglunsj; 2017-11-03
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31 Alve, Elisabeth.
Historiebok på fjordbunnen. 40 årsjubileum; 2017-08-30
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32 Alve, Elisabeth.
Steilene: Mørk fortid på overflaten, mørk fremtid på bunnen. [Internett] 2017-01-23
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33 Duffield, Christopher James; Alve, Elisabeth; Andersen, Nils; Andersen, Thorbjørn J.; Hess, Silvia; Strohmeier, Tore.
Spatial and temporal organic carbon burial along a fjord to coast transect: A case study from Western Norway. The Holocene 2017 ;Volum 27.(9) s. 1325-1339
34 Duffield, CJ; Alve, Elisabeth; Andersen, N; Andersen, TJ; Hess, Silvia; Strohmeier, Tore.
Spatial and temporal organic carbon burial along a fjord to coast transect: A case study from Western Norway. The Holocene 2017
35 Pedersen, Are; Alve, Elisabeth; Alvestad, Tom; Borgersen, Gunhild; Dolven, Jane; Gundersen, Hege; Hess, Silvia; Kutti, Tina; Rygg, Brage; Velvin, Roger; Vedal, Jens.
Bløtbunnsfauna som indikator for miljøtilstand i kystvann. Ekspertvurderinger og forslag til nye klassegrenser og metodikk. : Miljødirektoratet 2016 58 s.
36 Alve, Elisabeth.
Hvordan fastsette naturtilstanden i kystmiljøer med naturlig stressede vannforekomster?. Statlige overvåkingsprogram for kystvann og ny klassifiseringsveileder; 2016-03-18
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37 Alve, Elisabeth; Korsun, Sergei; Schönfeld, Joachim; Dijkstra, Noortje; Golikova, Elena; Hess, Silvia; Husum, Katrine; Panieri, Giuliana.
Foram-AMBI: A sensitivity index based on benthic foraminiferal faunas from North-East Atlantic and Arctic fjords, continental shelves and slopes. Marine Micropaleontology 2016 ;Volum 122. s. 1-12
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38 Hess, Silvia; Alve, Elisabeth; Joranger, Tore; Oen, Amy M P.
Defining pre-industrial ecological status (reference conditions) in heavily polluted shallow harbor areas – a case study from SE Norway. THE MICROPALAEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY’s Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups Joint Spring Meeting 2016; 2016-06-19 - 2016-06-24
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39 Hess, Silvia; Guilini, Katja; Michiels, Diego; Torper, Magnhild; Alve, Elisabeth; Sweetman, Andrew Kvassnes; Renauld, Paul E..
Meiofauna monitoring in two different fjord systems of the Norwegian west coast: Does the mass appearance of Periphylla periphylla (a deep-sea jellyfish) have an impact on the benthic community?. THE MICROPALAEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY’s Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups Joint Spring Meeting 2016; 2016-06-19 - 2016-06-24
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40 Murray, John W.; Alve, Elisabeth.
Benthic foraminiferal biogeography in NW European fjords: A baseline for assessing future change. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2016 ;Volum 181. s. 218-230
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41 Alve, Elisabeth.
Foraminiferer i historiens og miljøets tjeneste. NIVAs pensjonistforenings seminarier; 2015-11-11 - 2015-11-11
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42 Alve, Elisabeth.
Kan foraminiferer brukes til å fastsette naturtilstand, og under hvilke forhold?. Arbeidsmøte om klassifisering av marin bløtbunnsfauna; 2015-11-10 - 2015-11-10
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43 Duffield, Christopher James; Alve, Elisabeth; Andersen, Nils; Andersen, Thorbjørn J.; Hess, Silvia; Strohmeier, Tore.
Benthic foraminifera and organic carbon along a fjord to coast transect in western, Norway. The Micropalaeontological Society Foraminifera and calcareous nannofossil group meeting; 2015-06-14
44 Duffield, Christopher James; Hess, Silvia; Norling, Karl; Alve, Elisabeth.
The response of Nonionella iridea and other benthic foraminifera to "fresh" organic matter enrichment and physical disturbance. Marine Micropaleontology 2015 ;Volum 120. s. 20-30
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45 Bouchet, Vincent Marcel Pierre; Beaugrand, Grégory; Goberville, Eric; Richirt, Julien; Alve, Elisabeth.
Assessing reference conditions of marine systems: Numerical approaches using benthic foraminifera. Forams 2014; 2014-01-19 - 2014-01-24
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46 Alve, Elisabeth; Goldstein, Susan T..
The propagule method as an experimental tool in foraminiferal ecology. I: Approaches to study living foraminifera. Collection, maintenance and experimentation. Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2014 ISBN 978-4-431-54388-6. s. 1-12
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47 Duffield, Christopher James; Alve, Elisabeth.
A tray designed to improve the wet-picking method. Journal of Micropalaeontology 2014 ;Volum 33.(1) s. 105-107
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48 Duffield, Christopher James; Alve, Elisabeth.
Effect of sediment disturbance and oxygen depletion on benthic foraminifera with focus on Nonionella iridea. The Micropalaeotnological Society Foraminifera and Nannofossil Group Spring Meeting; 2014-06-23 - 2014-06-25
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49 Duffield, Christopher James; Alve, Elisabeth.
Experiments with benthic foraminifera: Improving our understanding of the conditions of the past. 31st Nordic Geological Winter Meeting; 2014-01-08 - 2014-01-10
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50 Duffield, Christopher James; Edvardsen, Bente; Eikrem, Wenche; Alve, Elisabeth.
Effects of different potential food sources on upper-bathyal benthic foraminifera: an experiment with propagules. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 2014 ;Volum 44.(4) s. 416-433
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