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1 Andenæs, Agnes.
Til det beste for hvem? Bruk av "barnets beste" som argument i familiepolitikk og familielovgivning - noen eksempler og utfordringer.. Konferanse i Nordisk nettverk for barnelivsforskere; 2022-04-20 - 2022-04-22
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2 Andenæs, Agnes; Torvik, Eir.
Endringer i barneloven kan få svært uheldige konsekvenser.. Dagsavisen 2022
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3 Ditlefsen, Ingrid Tande; Nissen-Lie, Helene Amundsen; Andenæs, Agnes; Normann-Eide, Eivind; Johansen, Merete Selsbak; Kvarstein, Elfrida Hartveit.
“Yes, There Is Actually Hope!”—A Qualitative Investigation of How Patients Experience Mentalization-Based Psychoeducation Tailored for Borderline Personality Disorder. Journal of psychotherapy integration 2021 ;Volum 31.(3) s. 257-276
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4 Eikrem, Trine Charlotte; Andenæs, Agnes.
Barns deltakelse i skilsmisssemekling. Barn – forskning om barn og barndom i Norden 2021 ;Volum 39.(2-3) s. 47-62
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5 Omland, Guro Brokke; Andenæs, Agnes.
Expanding notions of family-based care for unaccompanied refugee minors? An exploration of relational negotiations between foster parents and unaccompanied foster children in Norway. European Conference on Social Work Education 2021: Innovation and Resilience: Preparedness of Social Work Education in Uncertain Times; 2021-06-16 - 2021-06-18
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6 Omland, Guro Brokke; Andenæs, Agnes; Sveaass, Nora.
Et oppdelt omsorgssystem er ingen administrativ detalj: Et bidrag til en utvidet forståelse av den psykiske problembelastningen for unge med bakgrunn som enslige mindreårige flyktninger. Psykologikongressen 2021; 2021-09-09 - 2021-09-10
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7 Andenæs, Agnes.
Analyser av renslighetsregimer, selvmord, sakkyndighetsarbeid, enslige mindreårige asylsøkere og foreldreskap: Må vi finne opp hjulet hver eneste gang?. Konferanse i Nordisk Nettverk for Barnelivsforskning; 2020-01-22 - 2020-01-24
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8 Andenæs, Agnes.
Hva var det som skjedde på psykologi?. 2020
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9 Omland, Guro Brokke; Andenæs, Agnes; Sveaass, Nora.
‘Discuss it with your legal guardian’: Challenges in practising care for young unaccompanied refugee minors. Child & Family Social Work 2020 s. -
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10 Andenæs, Agnes; Jansen, Anne.
Innledning. I: Hverdagsliv, barndom og oppvekst. Teoretiske posisjoner og metodiske grep. Universitetsforlaget 2019 ISBN 978-82-15-02979-5. s. 11-25
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11 Andenæs, Agnes; Jansen, Anne; Sundnes, Anita.
Workshop: Investigating parenthood for young teenagers – background, theoretical perspectives and empirical examples. International Conference on Children and Youth in Everyday Life and Professional Practices; 2019-06-19 - 2019-06-21
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12 Andenæs, Agnes; Sundnes, Anita.
Døgnet rundt: Utforskning av foreldres omsorg for barn. I: Hverdagsliv, barndom og oppvekst. Teoretiske posisjoner og metodiske grep. Universitetsforlaget 2019 ISBN 978-82-15-02979-5. s. 226-250
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13 Jansen, Anne; Andenæs, Agnes.
Hverdagsliv, barndom og oppvekst. Teoretiske posisjoner og metodiske grep. Universitetsforlaget 2019 (ISBN 978-82-15-02979-5) 259 s.
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14 Omland, Guro Brokke; Andenæs, Agnes.
‘Do you need to talk to someone?’ – Professionalising and outsourcing dialogues about psychological pain at residential care institutions for unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people. The 18th biennial conference of International Society for Theoretical Psychology: 'Measured Lives: Theoretical Psychology in an Era of Acceleration'; 2019-08-19 - 2019-08-23
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15 Omland, Guro Brokke; Andenæs, Agnes.
Peer relationships at residential care institutions for unaccompanied refugee minors: An under-utilised resource?. Qualitative Social Work 2019 s. -
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16 Andenæs, Agnes.
Familieverntjenestens samfunnsrolle.. Møte i Familievernutvalget (statlig utvalg); 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-25
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17 Andenæs, Agnes.
Små utvalg, store spørsmål? Om generalisering i kvalitativ forskning.. Kvalitativt metodeforum, OsloMet; 2018-05-09 - 2018-05-09
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18 Omland, Guro Brokke; Andenæs, Agnes.
Negotiating developmental projects: Unaccompanied Afghan refugee boys in Norway. Childhood 2018 ;Volum 25.(1) s. 78-92
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19 Andenæs, Agnes; Benum, Kirsten; Carlquist, Erik; Halvorsen, Margrethe S.; Hauge, Mona-Iren; Madsen, Ole Jacob; Moss, Sigrun Marie; Oddli, Hanne; Roen, Katrina; Råbu, Marit; Skjelsbæk, Inger; Stänicke, Erik; Strømme, Hanne; Sveaass, Nora; Tjersland, Odd Arne.
Sneversynt om psykologisk kunnskap. Morgenbladet 2017 ;Volum 198.(5) s. 28-29
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20 Andenæs, Agnes; Haavind, Hanne.
Sharing Early Care: Learning from Practitioners. I: International Handbook of Early Childhood Education. Springer 2017 ISBN 9789402409253. s. 1483-1503
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21 Andenæs, Agnes; Kjøs, Peder; Tjersland, Odd Arne.
«Delt bosted» – hva sier forskningen?. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2017 ;Volum 54.(3) s. 277-283
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22 Jevne, Kari Sjøhelle; Andenæs, Agnes.
Parents in high-conflict custodial cases: negotiating shared care across households. Child & Family Social Work 2017 ;Volum 22.(1) s. 296-305
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23 Sundnes, Anita; Andenæs, Agnes.
Parental regulation of infant sleep: Round-the-clock efforts for social synchronization. Infant Mental Health Journal 2016 ;Volum 37.(3) s. 247-258
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24 Callaghan, Jane; Andenæs, Agnes; Macleod, Catriona.
Deconstructing Developmental Psychology 20 years on: Reflections, implications and empirical work. Feminism and Psychology 2015 ;Volum 25.(3) s. 255-265
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25 Andenæs, Agnes.
Barnehagen som samarbeidspartner i familiers liv? Om faglige forståelser og hverdagslige praksiser. Fagdag i sosiologi: Familien og velferdsstaten; 2014-05-08
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26 Andenæs, Agnes.
Foreldres forståelse, ambisjoner og betingelser – bakgrunn for tenkning om tidlig innsats. Seminar; 2014-05-05
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27 Andenæs, Agnes.
Sharing care for small children: Learning from practitioners. The 4th Congress of the international Society for Cultural and Activity Research: Inventing the future; 2014-09-29 - 2014-10-03
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28 Andenæs, Agnes.
The task of taking care of children: Methodological perspectives and empirical implications. Child & Family Social Work 2014 ;Volum 19.(3) s. 263-271
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29 Andenæs, Agnes.
Å bli en far.
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30 Hollekim, Ragnhild; Anderssen, Norman; Andenæs, Agnes.
Images of Children in Views on Same-Sex Adoption Rights. Journal of GLBT Family Studies 2014 s. 1-19
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31 Sundnes, Anita; Andenæs, Agnes.
Hva med foreldrene? Barnehage, sosial mobilitet og utvikling. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2014 ;Volum 17.(4) s. 30-41
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32 Andenæs, Agnes.
Barnehagen:Fra faktor til ledd i omsorgskjede, sosial møteplass og arena for deltakelse. Kunnskap fra kvalitativ forskning i barns dagligliv. Gjesteforskeropphold; 2013-09-09 - 2013-09-09
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33 Andenæs, Agnes.
De fem viktigste bøkene. Materialisten. Tidsskrift for forskning, fagkritikk og teoretisk debatt 2013 ;Volum 40.(4) s. 101-107
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34 Andenæs, Agnes.
Details matter. Practises of parenting in same-gendered famiies challenging ideas about sharing. Psychology and the conduct of everyday life.; 2013-06-26 - 2013-06-28
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35 Andenæs, Agnes.
Hverdagslivets usynlige innsats: Om rutiner, omsorgskjeder, utviklingskrav og omsorgsstandarder. I: Oppvekstrapporten 2013. Oslo: Barne-ungdoms, og familiedirektoratet 2013 ISBN 978-82-8286-200-4. s. 220-228
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36 Andenæs, Agnes.
Med barnets beste som mandat. Foreldreskapspraksiser som kunnskapskilde for fagfolk. Oppvekstkonferansen 2013; 2013-10-24 - 2013-10-24
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37 Jansen, Anne; Andenæs, Agnes.
'Heading for Japan': Prospective narratives and development among young people living in residential care. Qualitative Social Work 2013 ;Volum 12.(2) s. 119-134
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38 Andenæs, Agnes.
Barns omsorgskarrierer: Barnehagen som ledd i en omsorgskjede for barn opp til 3-års alder. Konferanse om barnehageforskning.; 2012-06-12
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39 Andenæs, Agnes.
From 'placement' to 'a child on the move'. Methodological strategies to give children a more central position in Child Welfare Service. Qualitative Social Work 2012 ;Volum 11.(5) s. 486-501
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40 Andenæs, Agnes.
How to understand day care for small children: a threat to children's emotional development, a factor with educational effects, an arena for screening, or a link i parents' chain of care?. The 6th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR); 2012-09-26 - 2012-09-28
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41 Andenæs, Agnes.
Hvilket barn? Om barneliv, barnehage og utvikling. Nordisk barnehageforskning 2012 ;Volum 5.(1) s. 1-14
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42 Andenæs, Agnes.
Kulturpsykologiske perspektiver i dialog med ulike praksisområder. Konferanse om forskningsformidling; 2012-05-31 - 2012-06-01
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43 Andenæs, Agnes.
The task of taking care of children: methodologicalperspectives and empirical implications. Child & Family Social Work 2012 s. -
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44 Andenæs, Agnes; Finsæther, Kristine.
The child as a shared enterprise: same-gendered couples constructing family life. The 30th International Congress of Psychology; 2012-07-22 - 2012-07-27
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45 Jansen, Anne; Andenæs, Agnes; Sundnæs, Anita; Bradbury, Jill; Haley, Jeanne.
Exploring everyday life. Human development within a cultural psychology perspective. 30th International Congress of Psychology; 2012-07-22 - 2012-07-27
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46 Andenæs, Agnes.
Chains of care: Organising the everyday life of young children attending day care. Nordic Psychology 2011 ;Volum 63.(2) s. 49-67
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47 Andenæs, Agnes.
Metodologiske refleksjoner: Mellom rigide oppskrifter og luftige ideer. FoU-dag for nasjonale kompetansetjenester for sjeldne diagnoser og funksjonshemninger.; 2011-12-02 - 2011-12-02
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48 Andenæs, Agnes.
More to share and more sharing. 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology; 2011-08-23 - 2011-08-27
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49 Andenæs, Agnes; Finsæther, Kristine.
Bridging the gap between family sociology and developmental psychology. Exploring parenthood in same-gendered couples. The XIII Conference on Social and Community Psychology; 2011-11-03 - 2011-11-04
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50 Andenæs, Agnes.
Tilnærminger og tradisjoner i barneforskning. Barn og unge på tvers. HiO's 1. barneforskningskonferanse; 2010-06-16 - 2010-06-17
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